Recently we hit our ONE YEAR on the road mark as we attempt to drive from Sydney to London, via Africa in our trusty 1989 Cruiser. A moments pause, puhhlease, to consider  just how long one year is to Live In A Car!

To show our appreciation for your support we have brought together some of our favourite photos into an eBOOK. Flipping through 22500+ photos has been one helluva way to celebrate.

The book showcases our top 10 favourite photos from our first year on the road. 

We are so excited to launch this baby out into the World.





To get your copy simply sign-up here and follow the prompts http://eepurl.com/pUA0D



Side Note: This will also get you on to our totally irregular newsletter list. When we drop into your inbox it will be with messages we only share on email and round ups of all the best stuff from the website. You’ll also get first dibs on earlybird pricing for products we launch in the future. Rest assured we would never pass your email on to anyone else.


If you have already signed up – you are a legend – your book will be landing in your inbox within 24-hours.


It is our sincere hope that you love the eBook… and maybe, just maybe, that it will spark a little fire in your belly to ‘Get out there!’




PS. Feel free to send this link around to anyone who you think might be interested, http://aussieoverlanders.com.au/a-year-on-the-road-ebook



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