HELLO + WELCOME to the Wrap Up of what’s been happening as we make our way from Sydney to London, via the East Coast of Africa.

It’s G here today.

Happy to be here too!

First and foremost I want to say thank you! It has been so cool to have you here. We are loving every minute of this epic expedition.

Well lets not sugar coat it too much… we’ve been loving 98% of it!


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider




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^ 100 m walk from our campsite in Litchfield National Park

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^ Litchfield National Park

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^ What would you rather cook on? SNOW PEAK!

Litchy was wicked! Heaps of waterfalls, creeks and drunk locals… we absolutely loved it.

We arrived on the Queens Birthday long weekend. God save the Queen and thanks for the extra day off.

Litchy is quite small and can be breezed over in a couple of days. We had weather that you could only describe as PERFECT. The rest I will leave to the pictures.




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^ Jump white croc jump

At Mary River we jumped on a cruise and watched crocs show off their jumping skills. It did feel a bit circus-y as the crocs swam up to the boat to jump for their dinner. But man it was impressive to see what they could do and see how large they were.




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^ Heaven found in Kakadu

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^ Jim Jim Falls complete with risk of croc attack. We got in.  DUMB? Yes. FUN? Yes.

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^ Missioning to get to Jim Jim Falls withinin Kakadu

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^ Kakadu

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^ Surprise Kakadu birdy!

Kakadu is the largest National Park in Australia. It is amazing, beautiful, breathtaking, spiritual and most of all it is living.

As our Yellow River Cruise Sunrise Tour Guide Jamie told us: “Its nearly 3.2 million acres or 19,804 km2 in size, you can find 10 000 different species of insects, over 280 types of bird (that’s one third of all of Australia’s bird species), 117 reptile species, 60 species of mammals, 53 species of freshwater fish, and more than 1700 different plants.

It’s funny because I googled this to get the correct numbers and from what I can remember, she was right with all her facts. If you are reading this from the opposite side of the World (to our European & African readers) it basically means that you need to get over here to see for yourself. NOW!




^ Hi Foxes!!

We have met so many great people who have come up to us (recognised us – which is kind of funny/exciting!) and said ‘Hi’. We love it. They always seem to be the nicest people and we feel very lucky to cross paths with them.

We met Craig Fox and his wife Leagh in the Repco car park in Katherine and they told us all about their awesome four month trip they are doing with their three lucky kids. Have a great one guys!




Looking forward to africa


We have been thinking about Africa a lot over the last few weeks. What we have to do in preparation to get over there and the excitement of being in Africa is creeping it’s way into our blood. #massiveexcitement

We have a lot we want to experience in Western Australia  but crossing the border marks the beginning of the end of our Australian leg. Also, we have some friends who have just shipped out of Africa and just shipped into Africa. So we definitely have them and what they are going through on our mind




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^ We made it from the Sydney Harbour Bridge to  Western Australia.


^ Baffled by SHEEP

NOT LOVING SO MUCH: Expensive diesel + gigantic mosquitos + SHEEP!  (SHEEP behaviour explained: We just found a quiet spot away from everyone in a huge, huge park to put this Wrap Up together. Within 5 minutes some SHEEP had pulled up in their car next to us and set up their chairs 2 metres away from our peaceful spot. Just to repeat, there was HEAPS of space to park in, but they chose right next us. Odd right? We met another fellow who thought SHEEP behaviour was annoying too, and said these days if people pull a SHEEP on him he says “I just tell them to FOKOFF”. Hahaha.) Yes, we love meeting people. No, we don’t love sheep.

LOVING: Crossing the Northen Territory / Western Australia border with a bottle of champagne being popped this afternoon in celebration (booooom!) + stunning blue skied days and 30 degree temperatures and cooler nights (apparently it’s winter??) + feeling well and truely settled into the road + getting a kick out of being able to set up our full kit in under 5 minutes and a little kit in about 30seconds (might be time to do a video to show you how we go) + living life + winter up north totally rocks.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider


We are so excited to head into Western Australia. It really is a dream come true for us.

As always, thanks for being here and sharing this journey with us. It’s so much fun having you along the ride!

On we roll.


GK Signature




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9 thoughts on “WRAP UP {EDITION 26}

  1. Nicole says:

    Inspired much? Well, let me just tell you that I’m sitting at my office desk having just caught up with the wrap ups….And I’m ready to chuck it all in, jump in the 4WD and go.
    Your last few posts are coming from my ultimate favourite places in the world – you know the kind that pull at both your heart and tummy when you look at the pictures?
    Oh, but hang on a minute – there’s 2 kids at home, the hubby, the dog and a mortgage *sigh* not sure if it will ever happen!
    I thoroughly enjoy your updates, love following your travels and wish you both all the very best in your amazing, life-living adventure 🙂

  2. Craig and Tracee says:

    Hi Guys, been following you since before you left. We feel for you having to leave Boss behind, our staffy Boris comes everywhere with us.
    Just read your “Sheep” comment, my bloke Craig has a solution for that when we’re camping, if we see someone circling and they look like they are going to stop on top of us, he throws his knob togs on and pulls them up a little bit higher then they need to be and then says to the “sheep”, have you got kiddies? bring them over later…. they seem to move on pretty quick and we’re left rolling around laughing. Maybe Gareth should try that one! Love your work guys, enjoying reading about your travels!
    Stork and Tracee 🙂

    • Kirsty + Gareth - Aussie Overlanders says:

      Hey Stork + Tracee

      It’s great to hear from you guys! Had a look on your website – unreal.

      You just gave us both a MASSIVE belly laugh. Will keep it in mind next time and grab the camera in case G is up to the task!! 😉
      Pure gold!

      See you around the site and hopefully on the road too


    • Kirsty + Gareth - Aussie Overlanders says:

      Ohh, and, thanks for the kind words about Boss…. we miss him SO much.
      Lucky for us his (amazing) foster parents send us photos of him every week.
      Your Boris is a spunk! Give him a cuddle for us, because god knows if he was in front of us we would accost him with snuggles!! 😉

  3. Hamish&Kirsty says:

    Hi guys. Just started following your blog, really enjoying it. We have travelled Aust top and bottom. Our last trip for 3months was from Perth to Gold Coast over the top, all whilst Kirsty was in the first/second trimester. Your trip is inspiring us to keep on planning our global overland trip.
    Anyway your comment on sheep was bang on the money, and made for a wry smile from a couple of experiences. The most annoying was one night at El Questro. We thought we had a quiet spot, but when we got back from an arvo spent exploring a canyon, we cam back and found 20 odd wannabee nouveau hippie/bogan things set up with meters from us. THERE WAS A WHOLE BLOODY PARK. Worst night I have ever had a camping. Perhaps we should have moved, but stubborn or stupid, we stayed put. Sheep on drugs!!!

  4. Leasa Reid says:

    Been reading your post since before you left. Loving it. It is keeping me hungry for my husband and my planned trip around Australia. We have 4 teenage kids the youngest is 14. The minute he turns 18 and working we are packing up and leaving for 12 months. In the meantime we are saving hard and trying to pay the mortgage off before we leave. It will be our 50th birthday present to ourselves(well we’ll almost be 50 anyway 48 & 47). I have no intention on waiting till we are old and grey. Thanks for the great inspiration and keeping us on track to save and get rid of our debt.

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