As we drive from Sydney to London, via Africa, we are sharing our expedition with you. Feel free to read on and say ‘Hi’ in the comments below.


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We entered Namibia through the Kalahari Desert at Mata Mata border post. Even though we crossed borders when we dipped into Lesotho, as we approached we felt like this was our first proper border crossing. We tucked everything valuable looking away from prying eyes, got out the Carnet De Passage (our vehicle’s passport), tagged the page in our Passport and had a quick glimpse over the Namibian map so we had a few town names in mind. Saying “Can I have a 3 month visa?” but I dunno where I’m going’ isn’t really a smart idea.

So in we walked all prepared only to meet up with our mates from !Xaus lodge – a cool family of 4, with 2 small kids roaming around, their bags flung all over the place, still wearing their ray bans and a Mac laptop on the immigration counter. Our nerdy little preparation made us laugh! But it did get us in and out of there pretty fast! As it was such a small border a police officer acted in place of the customs official and I talked him through endorsing our Carnet.

On we went through the open gates into Namibia! Our FOURTH country of the expedition; yeah baby


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^ Roads that meet the horizon


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It’s incredible how political lines drawn in the sand can actually coincide with a change in surroundings, roads and locals (or lack there of). For the first few hours we didn’t see a soul! Namibia is one of the least populated countries per square kilometre. The long wide gravel roads went on forever and man they were beautiful.

Namibia is a country we never planned on visiting on this trip, we travelled here a few years ago together, but something pulled us back here. On our last trip we saw all the ‘big’ highlights but this time we wanted to experience the lesser known parts (well, lesser known to us!).

We put in some big km’s during our first days in the country. Over 700-kms of nothingness but that ‘nothing’ was pretty damn stunning. Most memorable is what we called the ‘roller coaster’ patches of road that would follow the peaks of dunes and hills. At the top we could see the saw running far into the distance.

Troopy’s overheating was put to the test – as was our own temperaments –  it was sitting at around 40 degrees outside, 35+ degrees inside the cabin and not helped by a howling hot wind outside. When we got worried we would pump hot air into the cabin and shift into neutral as we rolled down the hills. That seemed to do the trick!


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^ LOVING driving 12 hour days in 40 degree heat (*note sarcasm)

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^ FOKYEAH Namibia


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Our first stop after Aus was Cape Diaz on a coast line that runs out from Luderitz – and  it felt like we were driving on the moon! At the Cape’s point we found an old german lady in a war bunker set-up to serve drinks! The wind was fierce and hot pink flamingoes starred into the ocean. She had set up boats on sand to sleep in and bunker style campsites to shield travellers from the weather. the We couldn’t help laughing at how crazy it all felt!


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^ Freestyle salt pan driving on the way to Cape Diaz in Namibia

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^ It’s like God scraped the earth back with a bulldozer and had a penchant for Mars

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^ Pushing against the fierce wind to walk back to the car

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^ Flamingos seemed to love the wind. HOW do those little legs hold up!?

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^ German bunker at the point. Fascinating and crazy to the max

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^ The rock knows all

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^ Cape Diaz

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^ We stayed in an igloo in Namibia one night to escape the wind. Just AUD$10 more exxy than a campsite



Nearby Kolmanskop continued the crazy theme. A wealthy town set-up during the diamond boom was left deserted  50-years ago. Mansions now stand filled with sand blown in from the surrounding dunes. We walked in and out of the derelict buildings. The sand so high that we could touch ceilings and not fit under doorways. A true deserted ghost town. One part spooky, two parts fun.


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^ Kolmanskop mansion that has seen better days

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^ With sand so high the doorways are impassable


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From here we drive North on a hot tip given to us from a friend in South Africa.



GK Signature




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3 thoughts on “INTO NAMIBIA WE GO

  1. Rex and Jill says:

    From Grandad and Grandma– nice to know what you are both up to. The heat looks pretty crook to us. Good to know your spirits are high. All to you both xxxxx Rex

  2. Cleo says:

    Well done ,guys!I admire and respect adventurous people!It is my dream too,not impossible ,but I still have to save for it :-). More descriptions of youre route will be helpfuland appreciated!
    I’ll check for updates !
    Have good weather and all the best for you!
    Take care,

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