HELLO + WELCOME as we, the Aussie Overlanders, prepare for an epic expedition from Sydney to London. Across Australia and throughout Africa.

If you are new around here this is our regular wrap up where we up-date you (wonderful, wonderful YOU) on what’s been going on behind the scenes.

Let’s do this!


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider






We are proud to announce that MGLSAT will be Aussie Overlanders safety communications partner for the epic expedition ahead.


MGLSAT are the go to Australian company for all your (and our!) satellite phone and system needs. Seriously.


Never before in our lives have we had satellite system needs (!!) and yet, after a heck of a lot of research we found that MGLSAT were the best option.  Actually, we first ran into these guys at a 4WD show a couple of years back and remember being blown away by their service and ability to translate techno-speak into real World this-is-what-it-means-for-you speak.

What’s even more exciting is that these guys ‘get’ adventure! Their staff are rock climbers, scuba divers, parachutists  hikers, bikers, former special forces soldiers, hunters, campers, caravaners, skiiers and explorers. They get it. And they pride themselves in only selling what they use and put to the test themselves. Impressed yet?




We will be showing you the gear MGLSAT generously provide us with to ensure we are covered in remote emergency situations. We will also be using the satellite gear to give home a call when we are out in the remote African bush and craving a familiar voice.

So, run don’t walk over to the MGLSAT website www.mglsat.comWarning: the website is addictive… so much awesome gear.





Drifta dropoff

G + Beechy from Drifta get busy hatching the plan for our Troopy living quarters

Drifta sketch

One of G’s many many sketches of the right side of the interior build. Beechy listens patiently to us both blabber on and then sketches up a storm.

This past week we have turned the Troopy in to DRIFTA and have been jumping out of our skins with excitement.

We have designed our dream interior 4X4 build and DRIFTA will be making it a reality. If anyone can do it, they can. Watching Beechy lean into Troopy earlier this week and sketch it up was quite a moment for us. This is really happening.

We can’t wait to share the final result with you.





Let it go


We are getting rid of everything we own before hitting the road. Well, most of it. A key part of this adventure is scaling everything back and embracing simple minimal living.

Where does that leave us right now? Well, right now there are four piles building at Aussie Overlanders HQ. Give, Sell, Keep. And the fourth pile is in the garbage bin.

Letting go of STUFF is quite a personal lesson. We would both like to consider ourselves people who don’t have much STUFF (by choice!)… but when it comes to letting go of things you realise just how insanely attached you are. But we’ll let you in on a secret, letting it go feels bloody good.

SO, we are on a mission (lots of these missions happening lately!) to let go of the old and stuffy in order to make way for the new and remarkable.

We encourage you to have a crack yourself. You don’t have to be driving across the World to get in on the act. Let it go + free up a little space in your life.




BFGoodrich A


BFGoodrich B


BF Goodrich has fitted the Troopy with sparkly new black boots. Schhhhmick. Totally, schhhmick. 

We would like to give a big shout out to BF Goodrich Australia for fitting us out with five brand spankin’ Mud-Terrain T/A KM2 Tyres. We are looking forward to putting them to the test. 



Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider


So that’s all wrapped up. Stoked to be partnering with the best Aussie Satellite company MGLSAT + reeling from a 10hr return drive up and back to DRIFTA + letting things go and getting jiggy with simple minimal living + sparkly new Mud-Terrains on the Troopy + putting in our notice to our lease.


For those who have been following – our first article in Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures magazine will be coming out May 1st (to follow our departure in March). Keep your eyes peeled. But word has it the edition coming out next week is HOT. Crazy hot.


Oh! Also… speaking of HOT. It’s G’s birthday very, very soon. So to celebrate we will be disappearing for a few days to vege out on a beach and take in this very exciting time in our lives.


Let us know what you reckon in the comments below and send us a hello. We would LOVE to hear from you.





GK Signature


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