HELLO + WELCOME to the regular Wrap Up of what’s been going on as we drive from Sydney to London, via Africa in our trusty old LandCruiser. It is G here today. Lets get into it.



Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider1

Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider1




To take off from where Kirst left us in Wrap Up {Edition 31} we have since driven the long and sometimes boring 3419 kilometres across the Nullabor  to NSW. We are now back into the hustle and bustle of Sydney.

Esperance was our last planned stop on our Australian leg of this adventure. Us reaching Esperance signalled the end of what has been an amazing, eye opening incredible five months. We now had to drive back to the East Coast and prepare our Troopy to be transported from Port Botany to Port Durban in South Africa.


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 ^   9079 kilometres through Western Australia

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^ The Great Australian Bite


We knew that the next few days would involve some long hours on tarmac so we got to it. Stopping off for a night in Poochera and a roadside rest stop before hitting RAdelaide. After the long drives we had some great nights – Poochera served up a beautiful old pub, filled with local wheat farmers and at our rest stop we had a great roaring fire.

When we got to Adelaide we planned to visit a couple of supporters who were based in town so it was a 4 day stop over in one of a favourite Australian cities.


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^ Driving, driving, driving

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^ The Poochera Hotel which is sadly going to be closed unless they find a buyer





We have long been a fan of  REDARC products so we made a plan to visit their factory just south of Adelaide in a town called Lonsdale. WOW! This is an Australian company that has been built from the ground up and is employing over one hundred locals to make some super high quality gear. It was great to see because although gear made overseas can be cheaper, you don’t always get the quality.  The Redarc BCDC in vehicle battery chargers can be tested up to four times before it even leaves the factory.




These guys are investing big into our economy and expanding at a rapid rate of knots. It was great to see the factory and, it was interesting to see  the “Years of Service” board hanging in their hallway proudly (clearly their  employee retention rates are very impressive, which speaks yards about a company). Anthony (the Boss) has even incentivised the team by offering to build their own on-site gym. He is building a place where you actually want to come to work. Love it!


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^ Years of Service board

So, with the factory tour over Redarc have kindly supplied us with an 80 Watt Monocrystalline Solar Panel to permanently fix to our roof. This is mainly for Africa and we will also be taking their 120w solar blanket for times when we are hiding away from the scorching sun. All of this will work in conjunction with our Redarc BCDC 1225 Battery Management System.

On a personal note: Anthony, Big Ben and Wayne we thank you for your time and support of the expedition. We are proud to have you on board.


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^  Anthony checking out where the new 80W Redarc solar panel will be installed

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 ^ Redarc HQ





Image found here.

We are now back in Sydney finalising the truck and doing some last minute planning for Africa. We will try to arrange a meet up for anyone interested before we fly out.

The support we have received along the way from our growing tribe has been INSPIRING. It really is humbling to know that you are all there behind us. Supporting us, sending us messages of gratitude, well wishes and kind words. It has been fantastic.  We love it and YOU GUYS have really knocked our socks off.

We started this little blog so we could record our expedition and share pictures and stories along the way with family and friends. Now we have thousands of friends who we hope will come with us in spirit. We want to share more with you as we drive throughout deep dark Africa.








NOT LOVING SO MUCH: Bad haircuts + BIG city life + Road ragers + Busy-Busy-Busy-ness of Sydney + Not living out of a car + A bank account that isn’t going UP

LOVING: Seeing our family and friends + First engagement gift (flowers!) + Kirsty + Our Vitamix + A bit of a routine + Having the Troopy back to normal + My Mum (Walnut) + Running + Hot showers whenever I want them + Fresh food ALL the time + the feeling of knowing we will be on African soil by the end of this year + Pat Callinan’s 4X4 team’s support + Blogging + Taking photos + Our tribe of followers.


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That’s us all up to date. I would like to say again a very BIG thank you to each and every one of you for the support. Our families, friends, Pat and his team, our tribe and most of all Kirst: for saying YES!



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Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider1

Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider1

5 thoughts on “WRAP UP {EDITION 32}

  1. Justin Lucas says:

    Its been great following your journey!! Cant wait for your next wrap up…
    My mates grandma always said there is no point dying with money in the bank!! hehe
    So get out there and travel its a lifetime investment! You gain so much from it!
    Cheers Justin!!

  2. Alan says:

    Hey guys, this is the first opportunity to catch up with your adventures since we got back from OUR trip. We came pretty close to meeting up with you in WA (well closer than any other time, lol).
    We were in Israelite Bay on 12 Aug, having come down from Balladonia, and on our way up the coast to Twilight Cove. Esperance wasn’t that far away in the big scheme of things 🙂
    I can only imagine how excited you must be to get going on the next leg and actually be driving in another country. I’m looking forward to following along. Only sorry I won’t be able to make the get together. Have fun and all the best.

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