Welcome to our regular post where we wrap up what’s been going on in the World of Aussie Overlanders.

The past week in a word? Inspiring! Because of YOU!

Here’s a few of your words…

“I have goosebumps as I read through your website. And a few close tears as I write this. It’s so very wonderful and brave of you”

“Looks great mate. You just have inspired somebody already” 

Launching the website has been a profound experience over the past week. Until now everything has existed in our heads. To put it OUT THERE and have such positive vibes come back our way has been really exciting. We would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to every individual who has shown their support. We’ve been supported herehere, featured on Africa-Overland-Network and felt the love in our inbox. You guys, ROCK. 



Over the past 6 months we have been scaling back. Over the past week reality has set in that we have a hell of a lot more stuff we need loose. Isn’t it shocking how much ‘stuff’ you accumulate? We would like to think we have been living fairly minimally for the past few years. However, between Kirsty’s penchant for hoarding treasuring old keepsakes and Gareth’s love for garry good gear (quality gadgets), ‘stuff’ has snuck it’s way into our cupboards.

We don’t want to feel weighed down on the trip by the thought of having a bucket load of things in storage. So, we want to get rid of everything (mostly). We are giving away, selling and buying only that  which really deserves a place in our lives. Along the way we remind ourselves happiness is about EXPERIENCES, not crap you put on a shelf.

Trip or no trip, I reckon it’s a valuable exercise to shed some stuff from your life. To spring clean your world. To walk a little lighter.



This morning we dropped of the Troopy for the installation of his new wig (a pop-top roof). More on that here.

While dropping him off into the Expedition Centre’s very capable hands we ran into Olly of OandL.com (who have just experienced 7 months driving Australia and are now waiting for their Defender to be shipped to Cape Town) and the full-of-info Lizzy Bus (who are in the 3rd year of driving throughout the World and shipping their vehicle to South America in a few days). We have our fingers crossed to run into Olly + Lisa again before they head off to Africa.

Once Troopy has his makeover we can then get cracking with the interior build. Check back here next week and we’ll post some progress pics! SO excited!

^^Troopy’s new hand crafted roof

^^ Meeting epic overlanders Lizzy Bus

 ^^Lizzy Bus has driven through West + East Africa; their story is told in hand made stickers that line the Defender


So, one thing I (Kirsty) have been thinking about is how to keep looking & feeling like a lady while on the road and living out of a car for a year. I’m definitely not a prima donna when it comes to that kind of thing… HOWEVER like most chicks I have a (mini) inner princess that likes to feel clean and glowing. Particularly when traveling for long periods of time.

Well, yesterday a parcel turned up in the letterbox all the way from Western Australia that is geared to making OPERATION:  FEEL LIKE A LADY WHILE ON THE ROARD a success. The parcel arrived from organic beauty hot spot Peachy Clean (highly recommended) full of Sodashi goodies.




Last week we headed up to Queensland to share a family lunch at the stunning Sirromet winery in Mt Cotton. Feasting on organically grown fruit, veges and prawns/crayfish we poured back a few drinks while watching Kangaroos jump about outside amongst the vineyards. The head chef here is known to be obsessed with fresh produce, so much so he became a commercial fisherman for seven years to stock his own restaurants. #wowsers



[box type=”info”]TRAVELLER NOTES: Mt Cotton (home to Sirromet Winery) is about 30mins drive from both Brisbane and the Gold Coast [/box]

We then headed down the coast by ourselves to enjoy a little down time at Q1 Resort & Spa in the scantily clad Surfers Paradise. Although rain was predicted, Queensland busted out perfect blue sky, sunny days and we found our way to Burleigh Head National Park. We walked around the heads and gasped at the black rocks pitched against the aqua waters and chilled out with a swim. This little trip made us pause and imagine what it’s going to be like once we hit the road.



[box type=”info”]TRAVELLER NOTES: The National Park is within 15 minutes drive of Surfers Paradise. We highly reccomend it if you find yourself in that part of the World any time soon.[/box]


So, that’s us. How has your week been? How was your LONNNNNG weekend? Chilled? Did you hit the road?

Let us know in the comments below, join the conversation, we would love to hear from you.


K + G

Keep connected via facebook.com/AussieOverlanders + we invite you to sign-up to the mailing list below on the left

One thought on “WRAP UP {EDITION 2}

  1. Haley says:

    Looks incredible! So glad you loved your Peachy Clean delivery-hope the ‘Operation: Feel like a lady on the road’ was a roaring success ha ha! Enjoy your adventures!! xxx

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