Robbery at Dalhousie Springs


HELLO + WELCOME, Gareth here today with an extra special post. I have been robbed. Below is a short account of what has happened.  

Note: The following should be read in a deep husky voice. For effect.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider


It was a cool evening in the desert on a mid-May night. The day had gone well and we were both in high spirits. After a swim in the hot springs and a quick dinner, it was time for bed. We both scrambled out from under the fly net and into the Troopy through a swarm of mosquitoes. As I have done on every night for the last eight weeks, I kicked my thongs off at the rear door to the Troopy. Bed time in the desert – quiet – peaceful – soothing.

I woke the next morning to head out for my morning leak when I noticed I only had one thong at the rear door of the Troopy. As I always do I asked Kirsty where she had put it.  “I haven’t touched your thong you doobie. Have a look!” she said smiling.

Ok then, well where is it?

I soon realised that with no one else around and no one to blame there was only one thing I could do. Set up a crime scene.

The area had been taped off less than a minute when Kirsty was startled by me screeching out “The dingo stole my thong. The dingo stole my thong”. Kirst ran over, quickly sat me down me down, gave me a brown paper bag and told me to calm down.


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However, I was sure of it so with some persistence I tracked some footprints off to the side of the Troopy where I notice some faecal matter. It looked similar to that of a dog. I didn’t have my microscope with me so a quick taste test confirmed it WAS Dingo shit.


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Out of the lab and back to the crime scene, two metres from where I found the Dingo shit, was my thong. Well, half of my thong. It was missing the top strap. It had been chewed off. A swab test of the thong confirmed – dingo saliva. SO I WAS RIGHT! – “The dingo stole my thong” And ate the bloody thing.


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No dingo has yet been brought to justice. All I can say to the guilty dingo is this ‘What goes in, must come out’.

Moral to the story: Always pack a microscope.

I have recovered from this ordeal although I am still showering in Kirsty’s shiny silver thongs.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider


Cheers guys,

G Signature



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6 thoughts on “Robbery at Dalhousie Springs

  1. Team izzie says:

    Oh the horror…

    Did you do the “kneeldown-sunglas-smartass-comment” move like H.Cain?
    When does the CSI Overland episode aires?

    Keep up the good stuff…

    Steven & sita {team izzie}

  2. Frazer Gorely says:

    The outback rats and mice do the same thing chewing through thong straps, gum boots and anything else left outside. We had them at Boulia. Birdsville, Innamincka, Camerons Corner and Fort Grey on our last trip. Killed three accidentally while trying to cook tea at Fort Grey just moving between the fridge and the stove. Then they crawled contiuously up the canvas walled camper all night. At least we don’t have lions to deal with.

  3. Michelle says:

    A dingo stole our Nutri Grain at Kings Canyon and another stole our Weetbix in Longreach! Lesson – don’t leave ANYTHING (including thongs) out in the open!

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