HELLO + WELCOME to the regular Wrap Up of how we are tracking as we overland from the Sydney to London, across Australia and throughout Africa.

It’s Kirsty here today. Here we go!

Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider



^Macdonnell Ranges, NT

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^The Breakaways, SA

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^South Australia Outback

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^South Australia Outback

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^After deflating our tyres a little on Mars we had a lot of fun dancing around on the road, this pic captures G’s last move

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^The cows Kirsty spoke to along the road to Witjira NP, SA.

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^ Bathing in water millions of years old in an oasis in the desert. Dalhousie Springs, Witjira NP, SA

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^ We did it. We made it to the Northern Territory!


In brief? Central Australia. Red soil. Big rocks. Dirt tracks.

In detail? Since the last Wrap Up we have hit the dirt. The Breakaways outside of Coober Pedy was our first glimpse at the ancient landscape of Central Australia. An area where an ancient sea has left towering formations, shells and rocks in amongst a barren desert landscape.

We drove along Moon Road into Oodnadatta, travelling along the famous track (which looked liked a dirt highway from what we saw) for only a little while before turning down a smaller track towards Witjira National Park and it’s hot water springs. Natural springs rise up from the Earth’s crust, spurting 36′ water to bathe in. Swimming in water that is millions of years old. Simply, magic. Soul food… to the max.

From here we headed to the most remote pub in Australia – Mount Dare – and encountered the worst track of the trip so far. We were crossing flood plains (in the desert) where water had left a raft of deep rutted tracks and corries (our term for corrugations). 2.5 hours and 76kms later we reach Mt.Dare Hotel. Slow going. But every inch worth the drive.

Eventually driving North West 250kms and running back into the Stuart Highway. This stretch of road passed through cattle stations that were 100s of kms long. Along the way we crossed a cattle grid and entered the Northern Territory! Our sixth Australian state and territory.

I continued my fun from the coast in talking to the animals. Every 50kms or so we would come across the startled gaze of cattle. Plenty of fluffy fresh calves around. ‘Hello!’, I yell out with the biggest grin on my face. ‘Helllo!! Hello!, Mooooo!” I feel my crazy self surface and have such a great time.There is something about driving so many km’s, seeing nothing but horizon, then all of a sudden an animal looking at you curiously – that is absolutely hilarious. Perhaps the km’s are getting to me? Or perhaps that is Just Me.


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^ Uluru, NT

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^ Uluru, NT

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^ Kata Tjuta, NT (The Olgas)

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^Kings Canyon Rim Walk, NT

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^Kings Canyon Rim Walk, NT

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^Kings Canyon Garden Of Eden, NT

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^Ghost like wild brumbies on the Mereenie Loop, NT

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^Mereenie Loop, NT

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^Mereenie Loop, NT


Uluru called and our spirits were peaking as we spotted a huge red rock. Woops, wrong rock (Mt Connor!). Take 2. Uluru! The right rock. This was a big, big moment for us. Far more emotional than we expected.

The sight of such an iconic Australian symbol brought to life. Standing there. Glowing. Domineering. Ancient. Ever moving with light and telling stories that span lengths of time that makes the mind boggle. 

We see sunsets + sunrises from various spots. The Olgas. And as we are walking around Uluru it begins to pour with rain. We witness something that many never see. Waterfalls off the side of Uluru. We take refuge in a cave and watch the water stream off the rock and imagine indigenous Australians doing the same hundreds, thousands, of years ago. Later on we spoke to a girl that had lived in Yulara for 9 months and was witnessing the rain and falls for the first time.

This rain continued to fall for a solid 24 hours. The blue skies came out and as we reached Kings Canyon, Kings creek was in full flow. Off came our shoes and we made our way up the canyon spashing across the fresh water. Red layers of sandstone. White trunks of ecyluptus trees. Green blossoming everywhere. An outback wonderland.

From here we headed off road along the Mereenie Loop spotting wild brumbies along the way and camping in the West Macdonell Ranges. The kind of campsites we have been dreaming of – 4WD only, quiet, beatiful spots. The extra bonuses? Spotting packs of dingoes and a meteorite light trail shooting down from the sky.










We have landed in Alice Springs, and as we plan to do along the way every now and then, we are recharging with a touch of luxury. The AWESOME Laseeters Hotel Casino have put us up. As you can see from Gareth’s face we have been enjoying ourselves! We have tested out the room, the view over looking the Macdonnell Ranges, the pool and the comfycomfycomfy bed. As I write this I’ve just slid open the double doors to take in the evening air. We are recharged and craving to get back out there!






Over the past year or so we have loved meeting and connecting with people who share the same passion as us – seeing the World; overland style.

Well, if you live in Sydney, we have GREAT news. An Australian transcontinental overlanding community is forming.

Two of the most passionate overlanders you will find – Martin Solms of Africa Overland Network and Overland Live; and Daniel Fluckiger of The Expedition Centre – want to bring to life a community of like minded overlanders in Australia.

This Saturday, 1st June 2013 the first meet up will take place in Southern Sydney.

An overlander who has traveresed Africa, Asia and the Americas will be sharing a few stories and images from his journeys.

For more details click this link: http://goo.gl/EkXuY

We WHOLEHEARTEDLY encourage you to get along. There may not be many people there – it’s the FIRST EVER MEET UP after all –  but we know these guys well and assure you, you will be welcomed and inspired.

You will also be part of history in the making. We wish we could be there*!

(**We’ll be presenting at the next one in between shipping our vehicle to Africa and flying back to Sydney)






NOT LOVING SO MUCH… We miss our dog Bossy a lot. Watching TV for the first time in months and swiftly turning it off (sad in the fact that so many Aussies are wasting their evenings/lives/brain cells watching absolute crap).

LOVING… Collecting parcels from home at Post Offices en route. Chats with Kirsty’s grandparents (love love love them). The amazatron food found in Alice Springs  Making our way to Uluru in our late 20s and early 30s for the first time in our lives; being absolutely overcome by the magnificence of Uluru. Hiding out in our fly screen (that hooks on to our side awning) away from flies and mosquitos. Our good mates, the Morgans, shipping their overlanding rig to Africa this week (good luck guys!!). YOU for being here to share this journey with us.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider


That’s us all wrapped up and up to date.

Heading North from Alice feels like the second stage of the Australian leg. A new beginning of sorts. Going North from here is the part of Australia that we have been most looking forward to experiencing. We now feel far from home.



GK Signature




** JOIN US ON FACEBOOK BY HEADING HERE: www.facebook.com/aussieoverlanders

7 thoughts on “WRAP UP {EDITION 24}

  1. Michelle Hambly says:

    Loving your updates. How awesome to experience the wet in the Alice. I can tell you that we were there last year in July and by no means was Mereenie Loop Road looking like that! Looks like lots of fun.

    Keep travelling safe and on many of those outback roads (not the grey stuff)

  2. Bossy says:

    Hey mum and dad, it’s me, Bossy. Love your photos- I’d love to be chasing those cows. Dad, if I was there I would have stopped those dingos from eating your thongs!! Keep having fun, miss you both too.

    • Kirsty - Aussie Overlanders says:

      Buddddsy! Love you son. You would be running an absolute MUCK up here. We definatley need some more protection from the dingo tribes. We hear the howling every night Boss… a bit of a change from hearing you howl at the possums outside every night! xxxx

  3. Alan says:

    Hi guys,
    It’s been a while since I caught up with your travels. As I read this update, I’m reminded of our own trip to this part of the world last year. We came into the Yalara area from the west though, so The Olgas were our first sight of the magnifigance of it all.
    Like you, this was also our first visit – but we had waited 50+ years. I’ll never forget the first sight of Ayres Rock on the horizon, and it just loomed up bigger and bigger as we crossed the miles to it. Breathtaking stuff 🙂
    Loving your stunning photos. Happy travels and stay safe.

  4. Nicola S says:

    amazing. Have been to Mt Dare a couple of times, first time for a week, with a broken front strut, from shocking “corries” en route to Dalhousie. Loved Mt Dare, great folk. Second time round I made it to Dalhousie – what a fantastic place to loll about in the warm waters.

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