Wrap Up {Edition 10}


HELLO + WELCOME to the regular wrap up of what’s been going on in the World of Aussie Overlanders as we prepare to drive across Australia and throughout Africa.

First of all, happy festive season to everyone! It’s that wonderfully hectic time of year where the speed of life trebles and yet the sun beckons for lazy days. For us, it’s also become the time in which expedition plans have stepped up a notch.

Here’s a taster of what’s been going on.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider




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Barrington tops aussie overlandersc

Barrington tops aussie overlanders


Recently we headed north for a night under the stars. We ended up at Barrington Tops National Park camped by the Manning River.

Lush green trees, fresh water rushing through the boulder filled river and an ashed-out circle asking for a roaring fire.


We used our time here to road-test the progress on the Troopy.

Sussing out how it’s all going.

What we still need to do.

How the latest conversions fare.

And what gear we still feel we need.

Closing ourselves into the pop-top roof for the first night was such an AWESOME experience. So exciting, that we took a ‘first night’ and ‘first morning’ photo. Spot them above.





Just next door to the Barrington Tops is the DRIFTA workshop. For those not yet acquainted with DRIFTA here’s the spiel: DRIFTA are an Aussie owned and operated business and they employ and train local folk to build their incredible custom products. Of particular interest to us are their kitchen systems and interior custom builds.


The kitchen systems were first recommended to us through an overlanding couple we met on the beaches of South Australia last year at a time when we were both frustrated at having to unload plastic boxes to access what we wanted. It was an initial trip – yet the advice set the foundation for a seeking a smart solution.


And so, we headed up for a chat with DRIFTA and it’s intrepid Aussie entrepreneur Luke Sutton to see how their gear is made. What we found was an incredible, local and LARGE hand-made factory that was absolutely buzzing with activity. A couple of dudes that are absolutely passionate about creating custom builds and an ethos to last the test of time.



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The awning gets attached

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Vehicle conversion aussie overlanders a

Freestyle drilling!

Vehicle conversion aussie overlanders c

Finishing it off with some pop-rivvets at the Expedition Centre

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Awning now attached

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Red Arc Battery Monitor now in place, ready to keep our dual batteries roaring

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The heat exchangers finds a home in our very FULL engine bay. An integral part of the hot water set-up.

We’ll be on the road for a year, no apologies for wanting a hot shower here!


** Fitted heat exchanger for the hot water shower system

** Fixed some electrical: air con switch, installed red arc battery charger

** Extended the bed for some extra leg room

** Attached the awning

** General service

** Replaced battery terminal

** Purchased front axle seal kits

We are now getting ready for the internal build. Once that’s done it should start LOOKING like we are getting somewhere!




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We have been minimalising and shedding stuff left right and centre lately. The challenge was set here.

The end game has been extended! We are giving ourslves until mid February to get rid of it all. One step at a time. And we’ll give you a full wrap-up once we hit our goal!

Got to say though… the feeling of de-cluttering and getting rid of crap gives you a real high. Have you been de-cluttering?


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider


There are 72 DAYS until we hit the road for who knows how long. It’s daunting. It’s so exciting. And at times just too much to think about.


We recently received some golden advice from Afrikerr, overlanders who have just circumnavigated Africa… “It sill amazes us how great things are accomplished with just one small step at a time. Before you know it, you are there!”


Happy Chistmas guys


GK Signature





** Are you on Facebook? Stay connected Aussie Overlanders Page

** Read more:  Our Plan + Wraps Ups + Pop-Top-Roof Video + Overland Vehicle Design Inspiration

** Travel inspiration on demand? Over this way

5 thoughts on “Wrap Up {Edition 10}

  1. Erica says:

    That first night gives you a great feeling if what’s to come, doesn’t it? We will (hopefully) have our first full weekend this weekend, to try out the heating and kitchen.. Exciting!

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