WELCOME + THANKS for being here.

Whether you are brand new to the site, or a regular (yep, we’ve noticed you!) we love that our dream is gaining traction ‘out there’.

So jump on board and let’s WRAP UP what’s being going on as we prepare to drive across Australia and throughout Africa on an epic road trip.







Aussie Overlanders B Pop Top Video Tomorrow


We picked up the Troopy who is now donning a fancy pop-top roof. The canvas sides are still to go in, however we wanted to get him home to start working on the interior. And thought it would be fun to film it with the sides off.

TOMORROW we will post a VIDEO of us popping the roof for the first time!

Apologies for anyone expecting it would be up today – but we figured there is so much going on below that it deserved a post of it’s own.





Aussie Overlanders WIP


We have re-set and re-printed a fresh ‘Master Work In Progress’ document on some big bloody paper. It’s now pinned to the wall. STARING us down.

The list is divided into: VEHICLE // KIT // MEDIA // BUDGET // ADMIN

I’m not sure what it is, but all of a sudden our minds are in over drive about the trip. Like, insane super over-drive. Like, 2am wake up with your mind buzzing of trip things.

How are we dealing with this?  We are gently reminding each other to ‘take one step at a time’.

Also, in our world Work In Progress is shortened to WIP. Which leads us to dancing around the house singing this… 

WIP it, oh yeah WIP it, WIP it real good!




Aussie Overlanders Gifted Africa Maps


An amazingly generous package arrived on the steps of Aussie Overlanders HQ this week. A package full of Michelin Maps for Africa and Europe. A gift from Martin at Africa Overland Network. These maps got Martin through two incredible trips – To Africa And Beyond in 1999 (South Africa – Namibia – Botswana) and Big Sky Adventures in 2005 (west coat trans-africa).

Can you imagine an atlas smaller than the size of a Sydney street directory that holds all the maps for south and eastern Africa? Kind of incredible.

Some of the maps will definitely make the trip. Some are a little old and we are hoping there have been some shiny new roads laid (ha) that a new map can tell us all about! But for now they are the PERFECT mix of information and inspiration. Thank you so much Solmsy!





Aussie Overlanders Pat Calinan 4X4 Adventures


So, we have fallen for a schmick magazine that goes by the name of ‘Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures’.

It’s full of juicy photos that hit the inspiration button. And hit it hard. It’s as if they have jumped inside your head and designed it around exactly what you are after! We picked up the latest copy yesterday. Awesome +





Aussie Overlanders Romance


Here’s one for all you romantics out there. Ahhh, is anyone still reading?

Well, to close the loop from last week when we mentioned our anniversary was coming up. G did good. He did real good. And our son, Bossy, satisfied his penchant for good bubbles as part of the celebrations too.





A few emails have been coming in from people considering planning their own epic overlanding trips. If this is you, please feel free to leave questions and comments below.

If there is enough interest we’ll pull together a post on how to go from ‘We have this dream’ to ‘We are actually going to do this’, and where the hell to start! Incorporating your questions into the post.


So, that’s us. Done and dusted.

How’s your week been? Been anywhere interesting? Planning something exciting? Let us know in the comments below.



** Are you on Facebook? Click here to like the Aussie Overlanders Page 

** Want to read more? Click here to read Our Plan + Click here for more Wraps Ups

** Want a good book to get you inspired to travel? Head here

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2 thoughts on “WRAP UP {EDITION 6}

  1. Erica says:

    Hi! Nicely written. Love the idea of pinning the master TO DO list to the wall. We have like ten different lists on the computer, which makes me frantically going from one to the other making sure we do not forget anything. (Departure date set for mid feb and still so much to do, argh)

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