Wrap Up {Edition 8}


HELLO + WELCOME to the Aussie Overlanders regular Wrap Up as we prepare for an epic expedition across Australia and throughout Africa.

Can I let you in on something? For the past 4 weeks it feels like we haven’t stopped thinking, breathing and dreaming about this adventure.

Everyone needs a break from (over) thinking. So, it got to a point on Sunday afternoon when we both wearily agreed to ‘not talk about the trip for a few hours’. And thus proceeded to bask in the sun + sink a bottle of champas. Heaven on the lawn.

Here’s the wrap up from the other 164hours of the week.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider





Take a look around you. What do you see? STUFF? Me too.

Here is a question for you to have fester …


What brought your STUFF into your life and is it still worthy of being in your life?


While that sits with you, here’s where we are at with it:

We are less than 4 months away from hitting the road. With that comes a feeling of impending doom, ahh, I mean hope! For packing up our home and shifting out. And so, questions start zooming around ‘How much stuff are we going to keep?’ + ‘How much stuff are we prepared to put into storage?’

On first thought is we want to keep and store NOTHING. In order to satiate a long burning desire to just be two people, a sack of potatoes and a whole lot of freedom.

On second thought, things like childhood teddy bears, Peruvian trinkets purchased the day we first met, framed university degrees, beautiful hard wood dining tables, new washing machines, oak barrel fruit platters, daily used home gyms, daily used Vitamix-es, our Staffy son … all come to mind.

And so, the truth prevails, we don’t want to get rid of everything. We actually want to…


Get rid of STUFF that doesn’t positively contribute to our lives.


The trick is in not letting this become a cop out. Most of everything needs to go. And so to put a rocket under our butts we have set a challenge. To ‘minimalise and make $$’ in the process.

If this idea is ringing a few bells for you and your life check back tomorrow where we will post about how to scale back and make $2000 bucks. 

And we’ll be inviting you to join the challenge, too! Dutchies Go Global have already put their hands up!

We can all ‘go your own way’ and walk a load lighter in the process. Including you.




Base to 4x4

Base in 44x

Sunday family drive


The floor has been cut perfectly + lacquered + placed IN. A gus strut replaced on the back door, free of charge, via the amazing Ming from Gas Strut Direct. Fabric has been purchased for the curtains. And one amazing plumber is also become an amazing carpenter and electrician!






We have a request for you. Yes, you.

We want to know what you want to know.

Did you catch that? What would you like us to write about? What do you want more of? What bit of the expedition interests you? What are you most interested to see now and when we hit the road?

Let us know by anonymously in the following whiz bang survey, or in the comments below. Cheers guys!



It’s our desire to provide you with an awesome website while we prepare to get on the road and once we hit the dirt. So we really appreciate you letting us know what you reckon.





SA Postcard1


This postcard comes from our recent trip to Mungo National Park, South Australia.

Hit the road from Sydney for a few days and you too can experience her majesty.

Get out there.



Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider



So, that’s us for the week.

A minimalism challenge, overland vehicle progress, a request for ‘what do you want to hear about?’ and a postcard.

So, let’s get serious, what are you most interested in when it comes to overlanding… Aussie Overlanders… minimalism… working while on the road… driving and travelling the world?

Let us know in the comments below or in the questionnaire above. 

Ready. Set. GO.


GK Signature




** Are you on Facebook? Stay connected here Aussie Overlanders Page

** Read more:  Our Plan + Wraps Ups + Pop-Top-Roof Video + Overland Vehicle Design Inspiration

** Travel inspiration on demand? Over this way

2 thoughts on “Wrap Up {Edition 8}

  1. Justin says:

    The “I would like to hear more about…” survey is a great idea! I have many many many questions, but am reading through each of the WUE’s before asking.

    Keep up the fantastic website – it’s both professional and inspirational!


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