HELLO + WELCOME to the Wrap Up of what’s been going on behind the scenes at Aussie Overlanders HQ as we prepare to head off on an epic expedition across Australia and Africa.

To be honest, right now we are tired-central! We are putting in 16 hour days focused entirely on the expedition.

This is not a complaint. Just the reality of what it takes to turn this dream into a reality.

It is so close we can nearly touch it…


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider




ECB OriginalVRS Logo Large

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A big SHOUT OUT goes to the guys at ECB Bullbars and Vehicle Recovery Systems (VRS) for supporting the expedition.

We really appreciate the support from these guys and look forward to winching out plenty of Defenders! (Kidding! We actually have no opinion on the Toyota vs. Defender thing… other than if you are on 4-wheels and out in nature that’s a great thing!).

Keep an eye out on our Expedition Vehicle page – we’ll get better photos and details up there shortly.






The big move happens THIS Sunday.

Well, it actually happens all week long with the grand finale being Sunday when the house has to be spick and span.

We are getting rid of all our worldly possessions. Well, most of them. And learning to walk a little lighter.

A fraction of the STUFF we have given away this week is pictured above. It feels so good to get rid of STUFF that has quietly accumulated. Moving out of the house is a huge milestone towards getting on the road.

Come Monday morning we will be two of the happiest sods in Australia.





Gareth’s second home has become the Expedition Centre in southern SydneyThe centre was started by an incredible guy, Daniel Fluckiger, who overlanded for 3 years in his Defender travelling Africa, Middle East, Asia and Australia.

A year ago when we first got the 4X4 we struggled (a lot!) to find the right person to help us realise our dream. We wanted to work with someone who loved overlanding as much as we did. Someone who was… Passionate. Detail obsessed. Knowledgeable. Willing to share their know-how. When we walked into the Expedition Centre and met Daniel we knew he was our man. We now couldn’t imagine preparing for this expedition without his help. 

So, please, everyone raise your glass (or tea cups!) to good fortunate in meeting the right people at the right time.

++ Testament to the time we are spending with each other our expedition is now proudly published on Daniel’s new posters. He did our roof top conversion for us. A couple of these posters can now be viewed at our mum’s house where they take pride of place on the fridge 😉

It may seem like a small gesture to some and sure there is benefit in Daniel promoting his business too. But we were just so excited with the posters. To have something in print. Something someone else created that said you guys are really doing this.

Click to here to read more. 




{Image Credit: iconoclassst.tumblr.com}

You may notice in the side panel of the blog we now have a ‘YOUR WORDS’ section.

*Look to the right>>*

Your words have blown us away with support and spirit. Rather than let these precious words slip by the wayside we wanted to keep them pride of place. So there they are to the right in their own little hall of fame.




GoodbyeDrinks {Photo Credit: SCole01}

In this final stretch before hitting the road we are doing our best to get around and say see-you-soon (not goodbye) to loved ones. This weekend we stumbled home at 3am after a solid session with friends. It all started here, in my favourite bar in Sydney Baxter Inn.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider


SO, there you have it.

East Coast Bullbar + Vehicle Recovery Systems winch + Working butts off at the Expedition Centre + Saying See-You-Soons  + Bossy heading to his foster parents house soon (cue: unstoppable flow of tears) + Living in a disaster zone  +  Moving this weekend + Making cushion for our interior bench seat + Custom rear arm carrier soon arriving + Constantly writing down extra things on the TO DO list + Planning stickers for our vehicle (SO excited to share this with you next week!!)

How’s it all sounding to you?

As always, thanks for being here! YOU, dear sir, rock.


GK Signature



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3 thoughts on “WRAP UP {EDITION 17}

  1. Annie says:

    Its such a huge adventure and really, I had never thought much about the prep work to do something like this (when I have heard/seen others do it). But now reading your blog, I am like “OMG”. Lucky you have got great support and advice to help make it easier.

    Look forward to hearing more.

  2. Erica says:

    So you guys are setting off this Monday? Excited?? We can pick up Panda this Monday, the real adventure for us will start then too! Best of luck, happy travels!

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