HELLO + WELCOME to the Wrap Up as the Aussie Overlanders head into the final weeks of preparation before hitting the road for an epic expedition across Australia, throughout Africa and if we’re lucky all the way to Europe.


A hell of a lot has been happening over the past week.


Before we dive right in we’re up for some cruisey tunes today! If you are too hit PLAY on this YouTube song as your background track before heading below The Naked and Famous – The Sun


Ready? Let’s do this!


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider




We have been working with DRIFTA to create a custom design for our expedition vehicle.


This week we headed up to the factory and collected our newly fitted out 4X4 and spent some time with the DRIFTA guys.


So, the BIG question. What’s it like? We LOVE it. We will have a load of photos on the blog tomorrow in it’s own dedicated post. It certainly deserves it’s own post!


For now check out the pics below.


IMG 4521

IMG 4532


Why this fit out? Well, one reason for converting the vehicle into a pop-top roof was to be able to access everything easily and to be able to sit/stand in the rear. Like a tiny home. A little indoors space for an outdoors life. Check back tomorrow for all the pics and details! The post will go live at 6AM.

If you are considering a fit-out or a camp kitchen we HIGHLY encourage you to get on the DRIFTA website or give them a call. We are looking forward to putting their handiwork to the ultimate bashing across 3 continents! www.drifta.com.au







HEMA Maps have jumped on board with the Aussie Overlanders by supporting our Australian leg of the expedition with all things navigation. Including the HN6 HEMA NAVIGATOR GPS and their well renowned high quality maps. Both in digital and paper!

I am particularly excited that the GPS Maps and iPad Maps incorporate the Camps Australia Wide campgrounds. Talk about making it easy to get around!

This partnership is a perfect fit – as our articles in Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures magazine will be published with HEMA routes.

Punching in our first location and having the N6 direct us there…. Bring. It. On.









You know how until you know about something YOU DON”T KNOW? Well, that has been our experience with MAXTRAX.

Sure, we thought MAXTRAX looked schhmick. But we didn’t know that they were first to market. We didn’t know they were an Aussie’s invention. We didn’t know they were proudly Australian made. We didn’t know there is a cohort of 4x4ers who swear by them. We didn’t know Pat Callinan’s team love them. We didn’t know Luke the DRIFTA would “love to see us with a pair of them on the side”. And we didn’t know, we didn’t know.

But now we know. Oh, yes!

And now the Aussie Overlanders are proudly supported by Aussie MAXTRAX. Cheers MAXTRAX!

We look forward to putting your products to the test! Although I’m sure the Troopy will NEVER get stuck… ANYWHERE. *coughcough*





We wrote out our final TO DO list this week. It’s about 6 pages long. Once we have it all done we’ll hit the road.

We are feeling quite aware of how we will personally handle the next few hectic weeks. We don’t want to pull out of the driveway with red eyes and stress pouring out of every orifice.

And so, It is our intention to approach these final weeks with a bit of grace, good health and with the understanding that things will take the time they take. We can only be as efficient as we can be and do our best. It will all come together. With ease and a good dose of grunt.

And so, on our 5 hour drive back from Gloucester we made a deal between ourselves to put this intention into action. We have agreed that we will go for a run every morning until we leave. ‘Run’ is french for any exercise, weights, yoga, walk, Nike+ app. And it’s Australian for moving your butt, sweating, keeping stress in check and looking after our health.





Here is some of the garry good gear that has hit Aussie Overlanders HQ over the past while that we will be putting  to the test with Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures.



^ Red Arc Folding Solar Panel

IMG 4561

^ Happy Camper Gourmet meals

IMG 4564

^ Life Saver Bottle Australia Jerry Can and Bottles

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^ Pelican Case already overflowing in our ‘things to take with us on the expedition’ corner





Nelson Bay really turned it on for us on our drive back down from collecting the 4X4.


Aussie Overlanders Yellow Divider



So that’s us all wrapped up.


We would like to take a moment to say thank you, to YOU. We are very grateful YOU are here. We appreciate you dropping by our little corner of the web + we hope we bring positive vibes into your life so that when you finish reading these Wrap Ups you walk away a little lighter.


What’s been happening in your World? Any questions about the expedition?

We are thinking next week we’ll do a video Wrap-Up. Sound good?

Let us know in the comments below.



GK Signature



 *** Follow us on FACEBOOK by clicking here

 *** Check out the EXPEDITION VEHICLE by clicking here

 *** Find out ABOUT US by clicking here

2 thoughts on “WRAP UP {EDITION 16}

  1. Erica says:

    Love, LOVE that kitchen! So supercool. We also tried to go for a run as much as possible in those last weeks, but were still really happy to finally take off and be done with the TO DO list.. Best of luck with that last stretch!

    • Kirsty - Aussie Overlanders says:

      Thanks E. We are so excited to start putting in our kitchen gear and getting the show on the road! Thanks for the encouragement for the last stretch. I can’t believe your TO DO list is DONE. Now that deserves an epic round of applause. Travel well Kx

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